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Drugače pa sem malo gledal za m10 cinšpulo in probleme, ki jo pestijo... našel sem tole, če ti bo slučajno kaj v pomoč:
If you want to test your coil, follow these steps:
Disconnect all cables from the Coil
Using a multimeter, measure the resistance between the two Primary terminals. You should get a reading of 0.5 Ohms.
Now measure the resistance between terminal 15 and the King Post. You should get a reading of 5000 Ohms.
To test it is receiving power, ensure all cables are correctly attached, and then use a bulb to ensure you are getting 12V between earth and terminal 15.
The King Post connects to the distributor via one large HT lead. To test the condition of this lead, measure its resistance. It should read 2000 Ohms.