1990 325i Cabriolet

OdgovorNapisal/-a Vnicolas62 » 19 Nov 2015, 16:33


Jaz sem Nicolas, sem iz Francije in trenutno zivim v Franciji, v Parizu...

Zal mi je za mojo slabo Slovenscino, Ucim se ;) Bom se naprej pisati v angleskem, ce se strinjate.

I'm here because I'm close to live in Slovenia, My future wife is Slovenian and we have a daughter, 1 year old. I was living 2 years in Novo Mesto but I came back in France since my project finished in Slovenia. I'm looking forward to come back in Slovenia soon, to live like a "normal" family. I'm 33 years old and addict of nice cars and 6 cylinders benzine motors ;)

So, I will finish with my presentation and I will present you my cabriolet E30 325i, almost oldtimer (From 1990). It came from Germany, actually 244 000kms (barely worn :D ) with some option wich I will explain you later.

Some pics now :
cars is actually like this

and inside :



list of options :


and how it was when i went from last owner ( it was last year, in december)



I hope you will accept me and don't hesitate if you have some questions, if I can help you to find some parts in France (I'm member of official oldtimer BMW France club )

And I hope to come soon in Slovenia (this depend when I will find permanent job there) to have pleasure to present you in live my car

Lep dan

Zadnjič spremenil Vnicolas62, dne 19 Nov 2015, 20:10, skupaj popravljeno 1 krat.
E30 325i Cabriolet
Uporabniški avatar
Prispevkov: 13
Pridružen: 19 Nov 2015, 16:02
Kraj: Raka / Krsko